Awake to the Transitions

The studio I work for asks us to write a small post each month about the studio’s intention. For May the intention is Awake to the Transitions. I realized that in the past almost 2 years of working for this studio I haven’t shared my writings here in my blog. I am working to remedy that oversight on my part



It’s so easy to just be numb,

Or, I should say, it’s easier to be numb than to be awake for the transitions

If I was the caterpillar transforming into the butterfly would I really want to be awake during those moments where my caterpillar body dissolved into goo only to be reformed as a butterfly?

Can’t I just close my eyes and awake as the butterfly?

May 1st is the old Celtic Holiday of Beltane marking the halfway point between spring and summer the point where the earth is at its most fertile and life is bursting forth with potential. All the seeds we so lovingly tended over the winter are now growing reaching for their potential. It’s a holiday wild with fertility, fire, potential and growth. Mother earth is in those beginning stages of pregnancy, she is filled with that glow of a morning sunrise ready to burst forth possibility. As are we, but only if we are awake to these transitions.

It’s so easy to just be numb, but what happens when you choose to participate rather than just observe?

Anyone who gardens knows that just tossing the seeds out onto the ground will not produce a garden. You need to be awake so that you can tend to the soil, to weed, to feed and to water so the seeds will grow to their full potential and not be choked out by weeds.

It’s easy to be numb to have hope that with a wish thing will grow how we dream them to be. It takes being awake to the transitions and being brave to overcome being numb to know when to weed, and what to weed.

As I write this the sun has just peaked out of the clouds and I felt the warmth of it’s rays on my arm and I felt with in the shift the tiny burst of energy to move forward to be awake and to feel, breath and be to settling into my new mantra of “what happens if it all works out?”

“hold still. stay there. tease back the layers. you are in the space between your comfort zone and infinity. you want to hide. not be seen. not be open. not be vulnerable. but you have to. there are two ways to do this – soft and gentle or fast and hard. both will get you to the other side, if you let them.”

― Jeanette LeBlanc

About Nettle's Cat

Yoga instructor, mom, wife, winemaker, bread baker, caretaker of furkin, wantabe vineyard owner, gamer geek, explorer of life and all the unknown.
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