Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose

I love these cookie cutters I had to look long and hard to find their creator

I love these cookie cutters not just because they are cool (kewl?) but because this is HOW I look – like a gingerbread cookie when I when I do yoga.  I also look like this

Yep… that is right when I do yoga I look like a round bright yellow chicken or a gingerbread cookie.

What I am saying is that I am not your typical yoga student or teacher. I am out of the box and round. I have curves – lots of curves and I am learning to love my curves and to embrace them. If I need a label I am a classic Kapha, overweight and fluffy.  I’ve talked before with doing poses I do not enjoy so today I’m sharing one with you that I love, this pose has to be in my top 10 favorite poses of all times.

Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose

(are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna) 

ardha = half

candra = glittering, shining, having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of the gods); usually translated as “moon”

Being one of those spiritual and not religious people I’ve had a love affair with the moon sense I was a young child, fascinated with each phase of the moon. I remember vividly the first time my yoga instructor talked our class of beginning students into Ardha Chandrasana – I cannot recall her words but I can recall the sensation – I felt free, open and strong.  I couldn’t understand why others were struggling with balance I felt this sense of peace and grace that I had not felt before in a yoga class.

One of the advantages of being more round of being Kapha is that we are strong and we are stubborn with that when we are healthy  we have balance. Poses that are about strength, balance and core work are where those of us who are Kapha’s can shine.

For me Ardha Chandrasana is not only a hip opener, back stabilizer and core work out it is a chance for my heart to open and shine.

If you have a chance tonight give Ardha Chandrasana a try open your heart feel the love and power of the moon flow through you.

About Nettle's Cat

Yoga instructor, mom, wife, winemaker, bread baker, caretaker of furkin, wantabe vineyard owner, gamer geek, explorer of life and all the unknown.
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